Saturday, July 18, 2009


As Phil noted, yes, we only have electricity part of the day..... at the training center, we have a generator, so I don´t notice the power outages as much. it seems to generally come on in the evening..maybe somewhere between 7 and 9, but turns off around 6:30 or so, when I wake up. Water and internet are the same way... Everyone has huge plastic canisters to store water whenever it comes, to use later in the week. As I understand it, the shortage comes from the utility companies not being paid enough by the government, so they´ll just shut it off whenever they feel like it so they don´t lose money.

Our barrio has unpaved streets and very few sidewalks.. Maybe I´ll have time to upload pictures someday.... The driving here is crazy in general (not in our barrio, but on the surrounding streets.. traffic lanes are poorly marked, if at all, and even then are really just suggestions :) it´s not uncommon to see someone driving the wrong way on the shoulder of the road - especially on a motorcycle.

A couple days ago, we got to visit one of the volunteers here in the DR. It was cool to talk to him, but since the Peace Corps doesn´t do Municipal Development in DR, we (the Muni D´ers) went to a youth volunteer´s post instead. It was exciting, though.

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