Sunday, July 5, 2009

I´m pretty sure there are some mathematical geniuses in my neighborhood

They say that the national religion of the Republica Dominicana is baseball, and the national sport is gossip. Well, the other national sport is dominos. I didn´t think dominos was a difficult game until two days ago. The people here play so fast, and are able to keep track of all the dominos as they´re played. When they count the score, even if there are 15 (or more) dominos left, they can add up the points in a matter of seconds. And they´re not blow trying to trick the gringos into giving them more points than they deserve ;) If you hesitate in playing, they will skip your turn, and even so, we slow down the game a lot. It´s really amazing... but of course every evening is spent with at least a couple hours of dominos before dinner, and they´ve probably been playing since they were kids..

I really like this community.. it´s super mixed use and dense, although not too overcrowded, and really close-knit, but also very wlcoming and hospitable. Oh, and I already resond to ¨gringa¨ just as well as ¨Teresa.¨

1 comment:

  1. We were in an airport, somewhere in Europe. It might have been Frankfurt and there was a group of Hispanics playing Dominoes in a table in the corner of a restaurant. I heard someone say they must be Cuban because dominoes was really big there, but I gues that's not the only island where it is big. Maybe your math skills will imrove along with your Spanish.
