Saturday, September 12, 2009


I've decided there are a couple foods that have to be brought back to the states... one is mantequilla, which I believe is a strictly Honduran thing. Spanish speakers will know that mantequilla means butter. Well, not here... Honduran mantequilla is a wonderful, wonderful thing... sort of like sour cream, I guess, but different.... It's delicious with everything, from fried plantains to beans to pancakes..
Baleadas are my favorite food here, definitely.. flour tortillas (the only time they ever eat flour tortillas is baleadas) with refried beans, scrambed eggs, and mantequilla. When Kathy's host mom makes them for us, though, she usually puts avocado in as well. it's wonderfulness..
and finally, fresco de avena.. (or oatmeal drink) two scoops of oatmeal (I guess it would be like instant oatmeal) a little sugar and cold water... so good and refreshing...

I've also decided (as if there was ever any doubt in my mind before) that I never want to be famous... As an example, I was making a banner the other day on my front porch. you know, just writing feliz cumpleaños on a big sheet of paper.. and had no less than 7 kids crowding around me, touching me, crawling on the paper, asking me what I was doing, which marker I wanted, offering to draw on my banner for me...

I've been told that I'll be working with catastro (sort of like a mix between city assessor's and planning) and a school in my site. My mayor is known for being honest and is expected to win the election this year. I'll also be near some other volunteers from my group. On Thursday, I'll find out where my site actually is...


  1. The mantequilla and Baleadas sound delicious. I'm not so sure about the oatmeal drink. That sounds a little weird, but whatever.

  2. Flashing news for anyone interested: Teresa has been assigned to Taulabe, about half way between Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula.
